Guinness Official Merchandise, cotton mix socks, black with flying Toucan design and four color stripes, these are a fun gift, well crafted and well made, a gift that will be appreciated, Sit back and relax and enjoy pair with a perfect pint of Guinness.
Product Details
Official Guinness Merchandise
75% Cotton, 10% Polyamide, 10% Polyester, 5% Spandex
socks, one size UK: 6 -11, Eur 39 - 45, US/CAN: 6.5 - 11.5
black with Toucan design and 4 color stripes
unisex, for Men and Women
machine washable
Shipped from Dublin Ireland, delivered by USPS, approx 2 weeks from order to delivery by Celt Gift, quick response to any questions or if any information is required, we offer 5* customer service and welcome your reviews